Monthly Archives: April 2013

Beach House

Have been wondering what to write next.. until we had a get together a few days back for Harry’s engagement.Poor Harry (from  a boy’s point of view). Poor girl (having known Harry) !

We, means we six who shared a house during our bachelor days.

This is the place where we started out journeys together, Worth mentioning…
The Beach House !
Me, Anish and Fino were the ones who started a ‘House for Rent’ hunt.Newly employed, we had tight pockets, yet large dreams.As dreams were prioritized higher, a big enough house was selected for rent.A television was the first thing that entered the house, followed by we 3.
When the dream of getting a good house was met and the first month passed, the second priority of ‘monthly budget’ stared at us.That was when Harry, Abhilash and Adarsh joined us.Monthly expenses cut to half !

Two’s company, and Three’s Crowd. But Six’s Celebration !

The house initially only had 6 beds and a Television.Non-living members started increasing, as we kept following our huge dream to make the house a home.Chairs, Internet connection, gas connection, Carrom board, cricket bat, news papers etc etc.
‘Guys, do you get time to play carroms’, someone had asked when they saw the carrom board.
‘Unfortunately, we got time to go and buy the Carrom board.’
An elderly person from one of our family had once come to this house and told, A perfect Bachelors house.
News papers gathered around the floor, the sandals and shoes were kept inside the house leading to full of mud and sand in the house, beer bottles started appearing and a part of the temporary fixed curtain broke down, letting the sunlight enter inside.
A real beach effect.
That’s when and why it was named ‘The Beach House’
But then,the reason for this naming prompted us to maintain the house in a better way.We started cleaning the house.The sand was washed away, but the beach vibe remained.
The reality of converting this house to a home traveled beyond our dreams, we had converted this place to a world of its own.Each day was a celebration, just as you would see at a Sea shack.Literally, the ‘beach’ made a meaning.
Though cooking was not a regular activity in the house, there were times that our stomachs were put into rigorous testing by ourselves.One such incident was with the ‘house’s all time hero’ Harry’s cooking skills.Harry was in the kitchen that day, and we all were watching TV.Harry came yelling from the kitchen , ‘FIRE !’
‘Dude, when you cook, fire is meant to be there?’, Thought that was the initial response that came, we all ran to the kitchen. We saw that the whole vessel which he was using to cook something, had caught fire and he had not even turned off the gas.We turned off the gas knob and then slowly the fire went away.
‘If you cook in this fashion, the whole house will be set to fire’, Harry was told, to which he replied,’Hey,This is Chinese Cooking !’. I must admit that Harry is a brave guy that he continued cooking, and we are super brave not to eat the food he cooked, but to be at the same house while he is cooking !
A house is not a place of shelter, it’s the starting and ending point of a trip !
Well, though this quote was not very strictly followed, Beach House has witnessed a number of trips.Most(read ‘All’) of these trips had last minute planning, special thanks here goes to Ani .Ani is a 7th person whom you can see in this house very often.My cousin, more than that our common friend.He used to come home in midnights, wake us up from our sleeps and start planning to go somewhere.Google kept suggesting the same old places and we used to have a difficult time in selecting one of those.Any how within no time some place would be selected and our bikes would take us there…Vroooomm!!
As they say each person has a destiny, each house too has a destiny.I remember the destiny of another house in which some of our friends stayed.Each member got an on site opportunity from their respective companies.
‘Dude, we definitely need to move to that house if we need onsite’, we had felt.
But Beach House has a different destiny.It is not as short term as an onsite.It is a destiny for life.

Marriage !    (at relatively young age)

It was Anish who got married first, then Adarsh, then Abhilash, then me.Harry on the brim and Fino getting ready.
All these years in Beach house was indeed a Bachelors Party.
But as fate would say, each time we met our destiny, we had to leave Beach house behind.
When the last thread would also leave beach house behind, would be its demise…
Yet the beach house would remain, intangible, it’s soul visible to us.As it happened a few days back..

As it will happen whenever we meet again in our future  get togethers.. the same environment would be born again…

Beach House
This is the place where we started out journeys together..This is the place that our journeys continue..till eternity